chocolate cake, company names and naming

As if finding a unique company name weren’t challenging enough… guess what. You need a great tagline, too.

Since I spend a lot of time talking about company names, today, I want to give company taglines their due.

Company name types come in all flavors

Company name types are the various categories professional naming agencies look at when generating name possibilities for your business or product. If you are just getting started in this process, it may be helpful for you to think about two things:

Have you been named for greatness?

Company name types are the various categories professional naming agencies look at when generating name possibilities for your business or product. If you are just getting started in this process, it may be helpful for you to think about two things:

Take Your Company Name Seriously, But Have Fun

Company name types are the various categories professional naming agencies look at when generating name possibilities for your business or product. If you are just getting started in this process, it may be helpful for you to think about two things: